Sunday, December 9, 2012


There are numerous norms that people follow in their everyday lives. Many of them are learned rules that no one ever talks about yet are recognized by everyone. These norms support the general means of communication and how you should go about it.

For example, when sitting and talking in a group of people, some events or activities may arise while communicating with each other. If one of your friends offers to the others standing around you to do something later, but doesn't ask you, you should not invite yourself to go along. Although it's rude that they planned this event in front of you and excluded you, inviting yourself could often make it a very awkward situation. This happens all the time to people. If you ask the person who initially invited people if you may also attend, they may also deny your request. The general rule or norm when put in this position is to just not invite yourself and find other things to do.
       Another norm is to have open body language and friendly facial expressions when meeting new people in order to try and make a good impression. Being a college student, I see and meet tons of new people each and every day. When you first meet someone, you do not want to act rude. It's often awkward seeing someone you just met in public because you don't know what exactly to say or do yet. However, it would be disrespectful to act like you don't know who they are. The general rule in this situation is to wave and say hello and offer a friendly handshake. Depending on the circumstance, you may also promote further communication. Ignoring that person or just walking past them would be a sign of disrespect and many people take offense to it. Be friendly and acknowledge your peers and hope they would do the same to you!

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